red propolis extract

red propolis extract
The red propolis extract is a product that offers numerous benefits to human health. Found in some places in the Brazilian Northeast, it is made from a sap found in the tail-of-howler, mangrove vegetation found in the Northeast.
Its original function is to seal the entrance and cracks of the hive, thus preventing the entry of insects, bacteria, and fungi. However, studies carried out and scientifically proven indicate propolis in several antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral treatments. Red, in particular, still has other properties and has been associated with the control of diabetes, hypertension, cancer, and viral pathologies.

Origem do produto
O Bioma Mata Atlântica ocupa aproximadamente 13% do território brasileiro e se distribui na faixa litorânea que conecta o nordeste até o sul do Brasil. Toda essa quantidade notável de espécies presentes nesse bioma que valorizamos, dentre elas a Dalbergia ecastophyllum, popularmente conhecida como "rabo de bugio", permitiu o desenvolvimento da nossa linha de própolis vermelha.Um produto que oferece diversos benefícios a saúde humana.
Jean Carvalho
One of the producers representing the red propolisJean is one of our partner beekeepers in Bahia, he started working with beekeeping in 1995, researched several methods of specific management of propolis production throughout Brazil, and adapted the process to the Northeastern reality. Thus, the red propolis is responsible for transforming the life of Jean's family and the entire region. Our partner producers help us to bring you all the benefits that beekeeping provides.